Choose a service to schedule
12 Month Reading - $50
You will get an email with an audio recording of your reading. I will cover each month of next year to give you a heads up about what to expect. My goal is always to prepare you so that you can have as much control over your life as possible. Audio readings let you revisit the reading all year round. - Keep in mind that scheduling a day and time does not mean you need to be available during that time, nor does it mean I'll do the reading at that exact moment, it just gets you into my queue.
Relationship Reading! - $50
Get insight on your relationship, platonic and romantic, where you currently stand, and where you're heading.
Grand Tableau Readings - $50
Using the Lenormand system, this unique reading takes a look at your life and we can focus on multiple areas.
Spell Consulting - $50
Perfect for when you need advice and curation of a ritual or spell that you need to perform. We will work together to figure out how to best approach a spell or ritual.
Magical Guidance and Support - $50
Everything else - if the other three do not fit your needs you can schedule this for support, advice, or any other guiding related to magic.
Past Life Reading - $50
I believe we all have at least 100 lives. This reading lets us take a look at one of them! I'll tell you about your past life and how it may affect your current life.